Struggling with cash flow? Worried how you’re going to pay the bills? Wouldn’t it be great to know exactly where you’re going to be for the next few months? This is a problem that Prospero FDs solve all the time and we’re now making our expertise available to any local business FREE.
Contact us now, and one of our expert Finance Directors will visit you to install our tried and tested cash flow forecasting software. This runs on Microsoft Excel and, once set up, can be updated easily by you each week to give you a clear view of where your bank balance will be for the next three months.
There’s no fee or obligation, you don’t need any special computer expertise, all our software and media are secure and virus protected and we guarantee that it will make your life easier. So contact us now to take away your cash flow headaches.
“Prospero’s cash forecasting model means that I can sleep easier at night knowing exactly where my business will be. Previously, I only knew we had a cash problem on the day we couldn’t pay the wages!” Martyn C. Managing Director, manufacturing business.
Terms and Conditions apply
- This is a non-binding offer. Prospero can decline to make it available to any applicant at its discretion.
- Prospero will provide free software and up to three hours of consultancy free of charge. Any further goods or services will be charged at normal rates.
- While Prospero will apply industry standard IT security practices, it advises applicants to ensure they have adequate security over their own IT networks.
- Prospero, its associates employees and sub-contractors accept no liability whatever for any losses, economic direct or consequential, suffered by any party arising out of this offer.
- Prospero retains Intellectual Property Rights in all materials provided and grants the applicants a non-exclusive licence for their use.
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